Saturday, May 19, 2012

Well. I did it!

Thursday was my last classroom day.  It doesn't feel real yet.  I'm not sure when it will.  Lots of people came by my room to wish me well. I didn't cry, but I sure felt like it, lol!

During each of our programs, my director made me stand up and be acknowledged because this was my last year, but also because it was my 10th year of service. I hate standing up in front of a group of people, but it was nice to have the recognition!

Yesterday my girlies took me out for lunch and gave me presents!  They gave me THE CUTEST Hello Kitty umbrella, and a Kohl's gc for "back to school" shopping. I know I will keep in touch with them...but I'm gonna miss my peeps.  They've been my "family" for so long.

I'm cleaning out my storage room here at home, and giving everything away.  Feels awesome.  I thought I'd be sad to see it go, but I've known for months that this day was coming...that it just feels good.

I have to work on Monday to finish cleaning out my classroom, and then our staff party is on Tuesday.  After that?  I'm unemployed.  Gulp!  LOL!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Heading into my last week

I have birthday parties at school the next two days, and then End of Year parties the following two days.  And then I'm done.  That's it. 

In other and unrelated news, I found this cool quote and it really resonated with me:
"Have courage for the great sorrows of life, and patience for the small ones.  And when you have finished your daily task, go to sleep in peace.  God is awake." -Victor Hugo

That quote just really speaks to the worrier in me.  I can let go.  God won't let me fall.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The last Friday

This week has literally been a blur.  After Monday, and all the way through next Thursday...we have a party each day at school.  Whoa.  Yesterday and today were "Muffins for Mom" parties.  Fun, but a lot of work.  It's magical seeing the kids' faces, and then the expressions on the mommies faces as they enjoy their first preschool Mother's Day parties.  I love it.  I was working through the reality that these are my last preschool Mother's Day parties.  What I had forgotten is that today was my last preschool Friday.  We're really getting down to it, now.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Time to check in

Was kind of a weird week for me.  I wrote about our awesome weekend, and went to bed last Sunday night, ready for my normal week ahead of me.

When I woke up Monday morning, I knew something wasn't right.  My stomach was upset and as I rolled over in bed, my head just pounded.  Turns out I was getting a migraine that didn't leave me until Wednesday! Ugh.  I missed those three days of work, which is a *little* stressful because our Muffins for Moms parties are coming up this week, and it's just a really busy time wrapping up assessments, class projects, etc.  Oh well, couldn't be helped I guess!

Last night was Shannon's chorus Spring Showcase.  Her chorus sang two songs, and she had a solo!  We think s he did a great job!  What I'm most proud of though, is that it's HER idea to try out for these solos, to practice them, and that she has the courage to stand up in front of a large group and SING.  Awesome!

She is switching high schools next year and had to audition to get into the chorus at her new school.  That audition was last week, and she did so well that she was placed in Advanced Chorus, and the director only had her sing half of her piece, and didn't require her to sight-read! Go, Shannon!

Today was spent running errands and then working on Mother's Day stuff for preschool.  The best news is that I'm about 98% done now!  I just need to put the text into the cards, and one little boy needs to make up one page for his book.  That's it! Woot woot!