Saturday, July 30, 2011


Oh, blessed home!

My dad came home from the hospital yesterday. Patrick and I brought him home around 4pm, thinking to ourselves "now we can take a nap!" But then we spent the rest of the day chasing prescriptions, getting the oxygen delivery, etc. We finally fell into bed around 11pm, lol.

But it's so great to have Dad back home. He's alive! He's recovering! Thank you, God.

I slept til 11:30 this morning. Can you imagine? But good lord, it felt good. Got up, and ate a hot breakfast and then went to the gym...where I KILLED it. You'd think I had some built-up stress or something, lol!!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh Cindy, I missed the health issues with your dad. Praise God he is home and recovering. I'll keep him in my prayers.