Saturday, August 7, 2010

My first speed bump wasn't really a fun day. Nothing went wrong, I didn't get hurt, or have a complication...but I think maybe it was my first major hormone "event" since my surgery.

When I woke up, I already felt anxious...and from there, I moved into fear and weepiness. It kind of stunk. Patrick snuggled me (gently from the side, lol) and reassured me that everything was ok. Intellectually, I know that I'm only 11 days post-op, so I'm still weak and have a long way to go. LOTS of things are "messed up" inside me...and my body is totally in shock. It's natural that there are going to be days that I don't feel *awesome,* but it's still not fun when it happens.

I perked up some later this afternoon, so we actually went out (to Greek food) for dinner. We planned to just go order and either bring it back home, or kinda do a "car picnic," but once we got to the restaurant, it was pretty empty, and I was feeling OK, so we ate there. It was nice to get a change of scenery, and the food was delicious.

I hope tomorrow is a good day, and then Monday? Shannon goes back to school!

1 comment:

Stephanie M. Page said...

Hey girl! I am praying for you today!!